Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Check this out.

Girls, I know this isn't a recipe but I thought I would pass along a little kitchen tidbit I recently was made aware of.

How many times do you pull aluminum foil or plastic wrap from the box and have the whole roll come flying out?

Well some of you may know this, but for those of you who don't - Did you know there are little tabs on the end of the foil and plastic wrap boxes that if you push them in they will hold the roll inside the box? I did not know they were there until a couple of weeks ago, and I was almost giddy when I found that out. Mine are pushed in now so no more flying rolls.

By the way - all your recipes sound wonderful.


Amanda said...

I didn't realize that either. Yeah!

Genny said...

I never knew that before you told me either!

Mary said...

Where has that information been all my life? That is fantastic!


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