Monday, December 29, 2008

Meg's Stir Fry

I have hesitated to put this recipe on, although it is really good, because when I come up with my own recipes the measurements are, at best, very vague. Hopefully, I can give you a good enough idea to recreate what I make. :-)

Stew meat (or any meat you can cut into half-inch cubes) I use elk or deer most of the time, sometimes beef. I use about a half-pound of meat, but you can use as much or as little as you like.

1 bag frozen vegetables -- I've used many different varieties, our favorite is GV Deluxe Stir Fry, I've also tried adding my own mix of veggies, but the frozen bags are much easier.

2 c. beef broth
2 T. cornstarch
1/2 c. soy sauce

Cut the meat into half-inch cubes and fry in a large skillet. Add the veggies, heat until warm

Meanwhile, mix broth, soy sauce and cornstarch. When the veggies are heated add the sauce to the meat and veggies. Bring to a boil and let thicken.

Serve over rice.

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