Monday, May 12, 2008

Curry Chicken Casserole

This is a recipe Ariana requested from Derek Curtis, but as he didn't have permission to post here or something, he sent it my way in the hope that I would pass it along. I did, and I am also going to post it here, because I have since found out that Derek does 70 to 80% of the cooking at their house, but for some reason, he tries to hide that fact. I already warned him that I was going to tell the world, so here goes!

4 large chicken breasts
1 c. Cheddar cheese
3/4 c. dry bread crumbs


1 c. cream of chicken soup
1/2 c. Miracle Whip
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. curry powder
Salt and pepper to taste

Boil chicken in water until tender. Remove, cool, and tear into small pieces. Put a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of a 9x13 pan, add chicken and pour sauce over the top. Mix until all chicken is covered. Add the cheese to the top and bread crumbs on top of the cheese.

Bake at 350°, uncovered, for 30 minutes.

Goes great over rice; I usually use brown rice, or if I'm in the mood for a lot of curry, yellow rice (says Derek).


Derek said...

Kirsten, thank you for the emphasis, now that everyone knows that I not only kill people for a living, I also make a mean dish and can bake cookies too. You can also add broccoli to this dish, but since my kids (with the exception of Janina) won't eat broccoli, I left it off.

kiddle97 said...

Ha ha ha. Your cover's blown and it's all my fault! "Hey! Derek cooks! Everybody! Barbecue at Derek's place tonight!!" Ha ha ha!

Derek said...

I'll tell you what, if you can round up enough cousins, I'll cook for all of you tonight. I feel safe in my promise since I live in Oklahoma, and the closest relative that I know of is Meg and she's in Wyonming.

KellyAnn said...

What is yellow rice?

Derek said...

I've never looked for Yellow Rice at Al's, but there's a company called Mahatma that makes 5 or 10oz serving sizes of Yellow Rice. It's just rice with an ingredient called Saffron in it. It tastes curry like, my kids love it.

Jenn said...

Just so you know -- Derek does most of the dinner cooking, but very little of the breakfast and lunch cooking. I just wanted to clarify that little fact...

By the way, this is a delicious recipe. We had it for a PTA thing today and it was a big hit.

Ariana said...

Thanks for the recipe! You were quite on top of that request and I'm grateful. I can't wait to try it.


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